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Brow Lamination (includes Tint)

also known as Brow Lift

The latest trend on full and fluffy brows!

A Brow Lift manipulates your brow hair and allows you to brush your brows however you see fit -

and they'll stay there all day! 

Want them to stand tall and fluffy?  Or maybe you want a more subtle look?

Whatever your mood strikes, you just need a spoolie brush (given to you at your appointment)

and you can brush them however you want!

65 mins $70 

includes shaping & tint

*please prepare to not get brows wet for 24 hours

Perfect for:

*Coarse/unruly brows - as this process helps to straighten the brow hair and allow them to lay

*Sparse brows - as fluffing them up can help the brow to appear more full

*Scarred brows - in some cases, we can position the hairs to cover scarring

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